Season 1 - 10 episodes (2017 June 23)
Season 2 - (2018 June 29)
Season 3 - (2019 August 9)
Season 4 - (2020, projected)

Netflix Original Series
Availability: Global
4 seasons
Set in the 80s, Ruth Wilder (Alison Brie), an out-of-work, struggling actress in 1980s Los Angeles finds a chance for stardom when she enters the glitter and spandex world of women's wrestling. Sam Sylvia (Marc Maron), a washed-up B-movie director manages 14 women on the journey to wrestling stardom.
In season 3 the girls headline a hotel on the Vegas strip, but tire of the grind.
Rating: [Watch it] / It depends / Skip it
- This is not a wrestling show. It's a drama where the characters work as wrestlers. The wrestling isn't going to hook you. They aren't good at it as they're still learning, but it's the characters that grab you. The characters have great arcs, and while this show features ridiculous personas, the character's stories get quite deep. This is set in the '80s, not long after the women's movement, exploring what's changed for women as these women enter a distinctly male dominated arena. The last episode deftly brings everything together in a great episode.
- Watch the date announcement video
- New Images from GLOW
- GLOW featurette video
- GLOW casting call video mash up with Arrested Development, OitNB, Stranger Things
- Team Bonding video
- Season 2 Date Announcement
- Season 1 Recap video
- Featurette: Glow Up
- Queens of Netflix: Erin Brockobic
- Season 2 - Step into your Power Pose video
- Season 1 - Every Takedown video
- Geena Davis Guest Starring in S3
- Geena Davis Joins the Cast video
- Season 2 recap video
- The Wildest Netflix 80s Moments video
- Created by Jenji Kohan (Weeds, Orange is the New Black).
- Season 3 confirmed on August 20, 2018.
- Reported on September 20, 2019 as renewed for a fourth and final season.
- Alison Brie
- Marc Maron
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