Roman Empire: Reign of Blood

Roman Empire (2016-)
Season 1: Reign of Blood - 6 episodes (2016 November 11)
Season 2: Master of Rome (2018 July 27) 
Season 3: Caligula: The Mad Emperor (2019 April 5)
Netflix Exclusive Mini-series
Availability: Global
3 seasons, season 4 pending

This mixes styles of documentary and epic. The focus is the reign of Commodus, which marked the beginning of the end for Rome.

Rating: Watch it / It depends / [Skip it]
  • At first the juxtaposition of interviews and reenactment felt dynamic, but it soon became tedious. It's difficult to separate fact from fiction, and I'm guessing this is a lot of speculation. The interviews contain very little information and Sean Bean is often just narrating what we see on screen.
    The research is thin, and I would hesitate to state anything I saw as fact. I know the Roman empire and Commodus did exist. Anything past that and I would have to start Googling for verification.
Read my review - Skip it

  • Directed by Richard Lopez and narrated by Sean Bean.

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