The 101-Year-Old Man Who Skipped Out on the Bill and Disappeared

The 101-Year-Old Man Who Skipped Out on the Bill and Disappeared

Release date: (2017 April 25)
Availability: Excludes Nordics, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Japan
Netflix Distributed Swedish Language Movie

Allan Karlsson celebrates his 101st birthday and then goes through Europe in search for a Russian soda recipe he lost during the early 70s. Unfortunately, he is not the only one looking for it.

Rating: Watch it / It depends / [Skip it]
  • This is a mad cap adventure mixing diverse characters, though unfortunately it's overshadowed by other movies in the genre. The premise is excellent, using soda to parody the cold war in the '70s, I wanted it to be funner. While I don't mind subtitles, keeping up with the quick pace of action and reading can be difficult.
Read my full review.


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