Twenty-three volumes of the weekly watch were posted to the blog this year.
watched one-hundred and fifty movies in the year, seventy-nine of which
were recorded on the blog. Here are my top and bottom picks for the
year. This is based simply on the movies I watched this year, not on
what was released this year.
The Top 9:
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
Watch Inside Llewyn Davis
A down and out musician attempts one last audition before giving up on his dream.
is simply an amazing film from the Coen brothers. Every part of it
works in tandem. The cinematography, lighting, music, story, and acting
are all superb. Oscar Isaac is one to watch. The soundtrack becomes the
star of the film, and it is even more impressive that Isaac performed
the music live during the scenes. The beginning and ending overlay and
work well together. I thought about this movie for weeks after I saw it.
If I saw it again, I would like it even more.
Interstellar (2014)
Watch Interstellar
A team of astronauts attempt to find a habitable planet as blight sweeps Earth.
amazing film. I wanted to re-watch it immediately after the credits
started, and that doesn't happen often. The production value
was impressive. While a lot of people criticize Matt Damon's role, it
into the themes of the film. Self preservation and human triumph always
resonate with audiences. The score is simply inspiring. This film will
be on Nolan's
resume for years to come. It's 2001: A Space Odyssey for a new
generation. While it does have a couple of missteps, the highlights more
than make up for it. The robots are worth mentioning.
Legends of the Fall (1994)
Watch Legends of the Fall
Three brothers compete, struggle, and triumph during the early 1900's.
movie has incredible charm. A sweeping and
engaging story is bolstered by likable characters. Rarely are characters
so fully developed and well thought out. The movie is heavy, full
of tragedy, but this is what makes the movie what it is.
Salton Sea (2002)
Watch Salton Sea
After the death of his fiance, a man infiltrates the drug world to find her killers.
engrossing from start to finish with a few twists that build until the
end. A great concept, is executed well with good pacing and great
characters. The imagery is deliberate and solid. Val Kilmer is
surprising at just how good of a job he does.
Fargo (1996)
Watch Fargo
Jerry attempts to extort money from his father-in-law by hiring two men to kidnap his wife. What could go wrong? Everything.
well written, with great dialog and a great story. It's no surprise the
Coen brothers developed a cult classic. The setting makes this movie,
acting as an
independent character. It's a setting, including the snow and accents,
that adds to the charm.
Toy Story 2 (1999)
Watch Toy Story 2
When Woody is kidnapped, it is up to Buzz and the gang to rescue him.
It still looks good now despite how
much technology has evolved. The story is simple, but poignant and well
told. It's a touching and impressive, a great film that must be seen.
War Horse (2011)
Watch War Horse
his father buys a horse, Albert trains him, but the horse is sold when
the farm meets hard times. Albert later finds the horse years later
during World War I.
It feels like a classic movie as far as
story and presentation. These kinds of movies aren't told any more,
instead opting for explosions and summer blockbusters. It's a shame because the movie is gripping and expertly told. You know
the boy and horse will meet again, but it comes together in such a magical way
The Help (2011)
Watch The Help
An aspiring author attempts to write from a maid's point of view during the civil rights movement of the 1960's.
characters brought to life by great acting. You feel for the
characters. The humor and drama both hit high marks. The underlying
message is simple and strong. Hateful people will be hateful regardless
of circumstance.
Labor Day (2013)
Watch Labor Day
A single mother and her son give a ride to a convict, and instead of becoming hostage they become a family.
strong story is revealed through flashbacks. The narrative creates an
almost dream like experience. The ending caps an amazing experience. The
movie is nearly faultless.
The Bottom 8:
Passion (2012)
Watch Passion
The rivalry between a boss and her protege escalate to unfathomable heights.
was without a doubt the worst movie I saw this year. I wouldn't have
believed Noomi Rapace and Rachel McAdams could have starred in such a
terrible movie. I did not like it at ten minutes in and should have
quit. The story is tired and cliche. The movie managed to continually
get worse, with atrocious writing and an unreliable narrator. The film
lies to the viewer. It's a train wreck, complete rubbish.
Goodbye World (2013)
Watch Goodbye World
An act of terrorism causes a group of friends to convene at a country cabin to survive in a post-apocalypse world.
only thing worse than the dialog is the contrived situations the
characters encounter. Everything seems forced. I can
forgive the fact that despite the claim of an apocalypse we don't
actually see any signs of an apocalypse, but I can't forgive the fact
that the end of the world never felt plausible. The writers do not
understand how actual people think or speak.
That Awkward Moment (2014)
Watch That Awkward Moment
That awkward moment between being single and being in a relationship.
While there was great chemistry between the leads, the movie felt
shallow. This movie says nothing profound and that's the problem. There is no insight
into relationships. I can't help but liken it to Manhattan.
It has a similar sentiment, but this sets up the joke and misses the punch line.
Hardware (1990)
Watch Hardware
In a post-apocalyptic world, a cyborg head found in the desert rebuilds itself and begins a violent rampage.
movie is incredibly slow, relying on style rather than substance. It
has a good concept that just wasn't developed. I actually managed to
watch this and That Awkward Moment back to back. It's amazing I had the resolve to watch any more movies after these two.
Delivery Man (2013)
Watch Delivery Man
A delivery man, played by Vince Vaughan discovers he has fathered hundreds of children through a fertility clinic donation.
not funny. Chris Pratt is funnier than Vince Vaughan. Unfortunately,
Chris Pratt only has a few scenes. The movie is built on improbabilities
and impossible circumstances, and tries
to be too serious instead of embracing the utter ridiculousness.
The Paperboy (2012)
Watch The Paperboy
Two brothers, also reporters, investigate the circumstances of a death-row inmate's arrest.
The acting in just the first few minutes is atrocious. The direction is over the top and disjointed, creating a strange movie.
Hercules (1997 - animated)
Watch Hercules
Hercules, stripped of his immortality, must become a hero to reclaim it.
This is not on the level of other Disney classics. It's a run of the mill, tired story.
Getaway (2013)
Watch Getaway
To save his wife, a man must steal a car and obey the directions of a mysterious voice.
assumed with Ethan Hawke and a fast
car, this movie could be fun. I assumed wrong. It starts with my pet
peeve- a high octane scene and then a flashback to the actual boring
beginning. Make a good beginning! This is mindless and not in a good
way. The writing and directing could have been much better. The movie is
just not good. This movie should have looked to Ronin for inspiration on how to film car chase sequences.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
The Weekly Movie Watch 2014 Year-End Review
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