Season 1 - 10 episodes (2015 November 6)
Season 2 - 10 episodes (2017 May 12)

Netflix Original Series
Availability: Global
2 seasons, season 3 pending
Aziz Ansari stars in this comedy as Dev, trying to juggling acting and dating in New York.
Season 2 Rating: [Watch it] / It depends / Skip it
- This is one of Netflix's best comedies. It's endearing and heartwarming,
but also really funny. This season is creative and takes risks. While
most episodes are half an hour, episode nine is a full hour. The first
episode is in black and white, and another doesn't even focus on Dev.
Episodes have a lot of heart and feel real. There are many great episodes this season, and this show manages to really capture the family dynamic. This show is on another level artistically, yet always retains the comedy.
The production values are more like film, and it's clear the creators are fans of film, adding similar nuances and directly referencing Italian films. This is an absolute great season.
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