Season 1 - 10 episodes (2017 September 15)

Netflix Distributed Series
Availability: Limited
1 season, season 2 confirmed
Twenty years after Mark and his three young friends believed Mark's brother was killed, though never found, the supposedly dead brother's DNA is found at a crime scene. The four friends reunite to find the missing person.
Season 1 Rating: [Watch it] / It depends / Skip it
- This British mystery provides a refreshing story. It's not another tale
about a killer, but focuses on a missing boy and the lives impacted in
the wake of that traumatic event. Thankfully it has a plausible
conclusion and answers the questions surrounding the mystery, something
other British, Netflix dramas haven't been able to manage.
The characters have been trying to reconcile the disappearance for years, and this new evidence stirs up all their old emotions. The conclusion leaves you with a moral question. Instead of a surprise twist that shocks, this question makes a lasting impact. Two wrongs don't make a right. but you can argue whether the events worked out better.
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- This series is written by best selling author Harlan Coben, his first original television series venture. Coben's Netflix series Safe, starring Michael C. Hall is set for release in 2018.
- This premiered in the UK in April 2016.
- An eight part follow up series The Four is in the works.
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