Thursday, December 30, 2021

Best & Worst Movies 2021 Year-End Review

Best & Worst of 2021
Check out my previous reviews!

I watched two-hundred and twenty one movies this year. Here are my top 25 and bottom 7 picks for the year. This is based simply on the movies I watched this year, not on what was released this year. My top list is robust because I decided to watch a bunch of my all time favorite movies so I could review them for the site.
Check out the previous year-end reviews.

I frequently forget to catalog the best scenes. The faux phone call scene in Before Sunrise is an amazing plot device that allows the characters freedom to express feelings they wouldn't normally reveal. Unbreakable has an amazing moment when David Dunn begins to embrace his destiny as a super hero in a train station. In Portrait of a Lady on Fire when Marianne exhibits her Orpheus and Eurydice painting, that scene captures what the movie is about effortlessly.

Best TV Series 2021 Year-End Review

Best of 2021
I watched ninety-six TV seasons and mini-series this year. Here are my top 9 for the year. There are no seasons that fell into the 'worst' category because  if a season/show is bad I drop it. This is based simply on what I watched this year, not on what was released this year.
Check out the previous year-end reviews.

The Animatrix Movie Review

The Animatrix (2003)
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