This is it, the final moments of season 2. The finale is one and a
half hours and I'm expecting big action and big reveals. Will we finally
learn who killed Casper? Will the land deal that is a big part of
Casper's murder be revealed as fraudulent? Will Frank escape to
Venezuela or will the Russians catch up to him? Is Paul's plot complete?
Will Ray and Ani live happily ever after? Wait, if Frank's leaving, Ray
is jobless! Oh yeah, and the diamonds, are they still important? What
about the crow head?
Check out my
previous recaps or keep reading to dive into this episode. Spoilers beware.
Ray and Ani share one last conversation. |
I predicted few happy
endings and boy did True Detective deliver. It seems the show set out to
do the opposite of season one. Season one ended on a happy note, this
didn't... at all.
We open the episode of course with a
monologue, that is Ray and Ani sharing their secrets, secrets that have
made them who they are. It's clear these stories are wrapping, and the
sequence had nice editing.
That was a big diamond. -Frank |
Frank is sending Jordan ahead of him for safety, but she's not having it. It's a nice move, if not a bit cliche.
The lost orphan Len has been found by cowboy Ray Velcoro. |
The camera guy is back. I was wrong on the orphans. The orphans did it.
Chessani is gone, the son was the mastermind. This comes out of left
field for me. The ground work wasn't there to have the son be the real
mastermind. In the only scene we see him in, he seems like a spoiled
The crow head. It was all misdirection. The entire thing explained away as a bad joke. |
We know who killed Casper, it was a revenge killing
by the kid of the family he disrupted. We finally get closure on the
crow head and who shot Ray. His sister, the secretary, infiltrated the
organization. It turns out the orphan kids were Casper's. Casper wasn't
after diamonds, he was putting an end to a relationship with his
Frank gears up for one last score and recruits Ray to help him, for Paul. |
I guess it was today. -Frank
Frank gets his revenge. |
I'd call that a plot puddle. |
How in the world is there a puddle only
under Ray's car? What a helpful puddle. Why doesn't he remove the
tracker? Why doesn't he go to a parking garage to ditch the car.? Why go
to the woods, where you likely won't have cell service and WILL want
it, and in essence making yourself an easy target for commandos? Go to a
public place maybe?
The Mexicans apprehend Frank. This can only end wrong. |
As soon as they found him, amazingly lucky as that
is, it was only a matter of when not if Frank would die. Frank should
have known these guys aren't businessman, because I already knew it.
Frank's pride is what did him in, but if it wasn't that it would have
been the Mexicans.
Frank taking the walk of destiny. |
I like Frank's end, him confronting his past and the hurdles that made him successful.
Ray had to see his son one more time. |
Ray's love for his son proved to be his undoing. That and picking a terrible location for a last stand. |
Ray goes out as murdering, dirty cop, his
final message to his son his never sent, he actually is the biological
father to his son, and he has a son with Ani. It's insult to injury
ten-fold. What was the reasoning for piling it on so thick?
will the cops explain the bullets from high powered guns in Ray's body?
It's not like those guys were cops. Then again, this is Vinci, the law
doesn't matter much.
Ani and Jordan make it to Venezuela, apparently teaming up.
I hope this isn't the premise for season three. |
It took much longer for us to care about the
characters in this season. It started too slow and ended too quickly. We
rooted for the characters, perhaps in spite of how terrible their
outlooks were. The real criminals, the politicians, weren't stopped.
Maybe the story will surface one day, maybe not.
I was kind of hoping for Ani to get in a jeep, buy gas, and then look in the passenger seat at a photo of Ray. Cue music from
The Terminator.
I really wish this season had a cult or something supernatural. It
was hinted at, but the lack of those elements is why there wasn't
fervent fan speculation about what tiny details represented.
still much prefer season one. The plot device of jumping back in forth
in time created a lot of suspense. This season had a lot of characters
and didn't add in episodes to really develop their stories. Season one
had something supernatural to it, even if it really wasn't. This season
felt more like a standard cop story. I wanted something more.
One last highway shot for the road. |
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