Friday, November 17, 2017

Vice Principals Season 2 Review

Vice Principals (2016-2017)
Season 2 - 9 Episodes (2017)
Buy Vice Principals on Amazon Video
Created by: Jody Hill, Danny McBride
Starring:  Danny McBride, Walton Goggins, Sheaun McKinney 
Rating: TV-MA

This HBO series features two vice principals, Gamby (Danny McBride) and Lee (Walton Goggins), warring over the principal job.

I kept wondering where this season was going. While the first season featured two mean acting like children, this season explores just how bad Lee's life can get before returning to the main plot of the show. We wade through nearly the entire season before this gets back on point.
It depends.

This series is limited to two seasons. I like a show with a definite end that isn't trying to stretch the premise, but season two felt like a lot of filler.

The first season was adults acting like children. Read my season 1 review. Gamby and Lee team up to overthrow a new principal and the scenario escalates quickly. While neither men are good, Gamby at least hesitates before he sets someone's house on fire. Season one concluded with Gamby getting shot.

Season two opens with Gamby's ex-wife and her husband taking care of him. Gamby loathes them and is milking his injury. He suspects former principal Dr. Brown shot him.
Lee convinces him to return to the school where things have changed and Lee is now in charge. Lee's audacious style has found it's way into the school. Gamby is surprised by the changes, and even more surprised to see the school function Lee has created to honor him. In season one they were enemies that reached a truce, now Lee has exactly what he wants and Gamby is still a vice principal. Gamby seems rather content with his role, though the show hasn't provided him with the revelation of who shot him. His motivation to find his attacker is often lacking.
The middle of this season attempts to engender sympathy for both men. Gamby confronts his past wrongs and strives to make things right even if he has to get dirty.
Lee learns how his new position has changed his relationships. The faculty don't like him and his offerings of peace are completely transparent. Lee doesn't react well to criticism or being caught in his own manipulations.
While Lee and Gamby are still partners, they're headed in wildly different directions. I kept asking myself, "What is the point of this show?" Gamby has a teacher that wants him but he's preoccupied with the blonde, ruining a lot in the process. Lee lacks self esteem and desperately tries to feel better by treating everyone like crap. He may ruin his marriage with that and his endless lies.

This season just doesn't have the focus of season one. The goal of the show was originally to be principal. Will this end with Gamby getting it and Lee being miserable? Getting emasculated by his sisters isn't funny, it's just embarrassing.
We finally get answers in episode seven. After episode eight, I thought everything had wrapped up. Episode eight is good, twisting what we just saw, but it's not quite worth watching six episodes of filler to finally get answers. You could easily watch season one then skip to episode seven of the second season and not miss much.

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