Rent The American Scream on Amazon Video (paid link)
Directed by: Michael Paul Stephenson
Starring: Victor Bariteau, Tina Bariteau, Gwen Bariteau
Rated: NR [PG-13]
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This documentary depicts three Halloween obsessed families in a small seaside town in Massachusetts as they prepare for their annual home made haunted houses.
This looks at three families that go overboard for Halloween. It's more or less a vlog, but I was hoping it would go deeper. Each of the super decorators sacrifices, but they also don't realize they force their families to sacrifice. At one point Victor almost seems to realize that, but this documentary just wants to capture a month in the life without digging deeper into how people feel. I appreciate it doesn't make a point of whether the behavior is good or bad, but just interviewing more family members would probably tilt this towards an unhealthy obsession.
It depends.
Three families each with a different method and idea of the why and how of haunting. Victor was the most dedicated and skilled. The obsession allows him to connect with one daughter, but not the other daughter that's disinterested in decorating. His family seems to see his passion as a burden. After the documentary Victor went on to make haunted houses professionally.
This documentary doesn't have an opinion, and I wish it did more. I doubt both of Victor's children appreciate his dedication. This documentary captures what happens, but not necessarily how people feel.
The family dynamic plays a big part in this. Matt and his father seem to get just as much strife out of working together to decorate as they do enjoyment. There decorations are less professional than Victor's.
This is three different family dynamics and three different levels of skill and focused. Victor is the most obsessed and puts on the best show. This is a hobby for all three, but I don't know why these guys desire to create a haunted house other than the derive some amount of enjoyment.
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