The Platform

The Platform [El Hoyo] (2020 March 20)

Netflix Exclusive Spanish Language Movie
Availability: Limited

A citizen of a not-too-distant dystopia voluntarily incarcerates himself with the promise of increased social mobility upon release, but becomes so radicalized by his captivity that he will risk everything to ride a devilish dumbwaiter on a one-way ticket to protect a dessert.

  • This is a fun mind bender movie. It's a great concept, different from most movies with an inexplicable prison that drives people crazy. The lower floors don't eat, and there's only one way that can go. The question of what this is soon becomes how will it end. It's ambiguous, but since the ending doesn't ruin it that's an accomplishment. The movie relies on a concept that can't be explained, and that works.
  • Watch it.
  • Read my full review
  • First reported on September 10, 2019.

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