Mini-series - 10 episodes (2024)

Rent Rick and Morty: The Anime on Amazon Video (paid link)
Directed by: Takashi Sano
Starring: Yōhei Tadano, Keisuke Chiba
Rated: TV-14
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An anime series based on "Rick and Morty," set between the fifth and sixth seasons.
I know this is a spin-off that's Rick and Morty in name only. Even then I was still disappointed. It's not that funny, trying to use the character's traits as humor but never doing anything more. That's the same for the story that's about time travel and free will. This couldn't keep my attention, and despite my efforts I never cared. It was a chore to watch this from the very beginning.
Skip it.
It's an interesting idea, taking known characters and changing the genre, though it seems like it's just trading on the value of the name instead of creating new characters for an idea. Even though I Know this isn't Rick and Morty, I still come into this thinking of that show, its humor, and the clever story lines. Unfortunately this is Rick and Morty in name only. It's completely underwhelming in every aspect.
I just couldn't care about the story no matter the effort exerted. It's a serialized story with alternate version of the characters, aliens, battles, and ideas on free will. The story is generic and unnecessarily convoluted. There just isn't enough to this, and a little comedy could certainly help. It's an odd choice to base the characters on such a comedic show and abandon that comedy that made the show famous. It's a generic space time adventure which is ironic with how unique Rick and Morty can be. It's about free will, but doesn't offer any new commentary or ideas.
I hadn't heard anything about this other than its release date. That's telling. I would guess not many people made it through this season. If I had watched each episode weekly instead of watching all the episodes upon release, I doubt I would have made it through the second episode.
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